Get to Know Mike

As the Frontline Operations Director, Mike makes it his priority to inspire, motivate and coach. He loves the challenge of balancing all of the customers and their needs while making sure that his inside team has what they need to be happy and productive.

Mike received his bachelor’s degree from Worcester State University and his master’s degree from  Clark University. He has also earned his Auto Damage Appraiser license and has an Associate in Claims (AIC) designation.


Fun Facts:

Favorite Motto: Balance life with living in the present while also preparing for the future
Education: Mount Wachusett Community College, Worcester State University & Clark University
Top Bucket List: Ride my motorcycle on a MotoGP Track
What Superpower I would choose: Mind Reader (so i can finally figure out my wife)
Pets: Tucker, Saide, Charlie & Miss Kitty

Favorite Food: Fried Chicken with Mac & Cheese
Favorite Movie: Aliens
Favorite Band: 311
Favorite place I have ever visited: Gulf Coast of Florida Beaches
Most people are surprised to learn that… I used to be an Instagram influencer and have crashed my motorcycle at 3 separate race tracks.