Home-Grown Insurance Expertise.

The Right Onshore Partner Is A Perfect Business Fit.

Covenir transparently delivers your brand promise to your customers — so you can focus on expanding your market reach, enhancing your core business and optimizing policyholder engagement. We plug into your model, we emulate your brand, we perform to your standards… and beyond. Our capable people have earned their stripes through years of onshore industry experience — let us wear yours. Tell us what you need, we’ll make it happen.


Onshore Insurance Solutions

Below are some of our most-requested services. If you need a service that’s not on this list, ask us.

FNOL & Claims

Claim response makes or breaks customer satisfaction. Find out how Covenir can help you deliver when it matters most.

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Customer Service

Customer experience is the key to building your business. Discover how Covenir can exemplify your brand promise.

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Print/Virtual Mail Room

Discover a fast, reliable method of managing communication by automating outbound print/mail and inbound mail handling.

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Premium Services

When it comes to money, there are always a few things that don’t add up. Find out how Covenir can help eliminate premium discrepancies.

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Underwriting Support

There are many steps in policy onboarding and maintenance. Covenir knows them all and provides on-demand intelligence.

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Product Sales Advisors

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel to sell direct-to-consumer. Discover how Convenir can power your growth.

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