Lockbox Service – What It Is and Why You Need It

Lockbox Service – What It Is and Why You Need It

You might not spend much time thinking about the resources your insurance company devotes to incoming premium checks – but it’s probably significant. You might also think that there’s no way around the hassle of sorting incoming mail – but there’s actually a better...
Five Mistakes to Avoid When Digitizing Claims

Five Mistakes to Avoid When Digitizing Claims

Claims are going digital. Many processes, from the FNOL to adjusting and payout, can now be completed digitally. This is good in many ways. Digitizing claims increases speed and efficiency, leading to happier policyholders. According to McKinsey & Company, it can...
How Hyperpersonal is Your Policyholder Experience?

How Hyperpersonal is Your Policyholder Experience?

Many aspects of life have become hyper-personalized. Take a minute to think about your own daily experiences. Amazon suggests new books, Netflix recommends new shows, retail websites recommend hot items, and your Google browser presents results – all based on your...